We are Notable Imprint. Straightforward, honest, and little bit old school. We do have a tendency to look at the big picture, while never missing the finer points of your job.

Notable Imprint is proudly a family business. They won’t ever forget their humble beginnings, Nick and Louisa started Notable sitting at their dining room table, with their then-baby crawling on the floor.

Within months, they had outgrown that dining table, (not to mention the whole baby crawling around at “work” got old, real quick).

Little Notable Imprint was on the move, acquiring an established Victor Harbor printing house and our first bricks-and-mortar studio, a little cottage on Victoria Street, Victor Harbor. 

Those early days are now a distant memory with our design and print studio in Coral street and sales office in Adelaide.

While notable might look different to those early days, one thing hasn’t changed and that’s their dedication to their clients.

Mark Whitmarsh
Business Development, Cornflake Cookie Monster

Louisa Gormley
Designer, Coffee Sipper, Indoor Plant Whorder-er

Nick Gormley
Boss Man, Head Honcho, Printnerd

The Notable People



Designer, Printer Whisper-er

Our Studio

our Victor Harbor Studio for design, print and sales

Email Phone

9 Coral Street Victor Harbor SA 5211


Adelaide Sales Office

sales office - by appointment only

Email Phone

926 South Road Edwardstown SA 5211


“Don’t be afraid to take calculated risks. Sometimes they turn out to be less dangerous than the sure thing.”

Richard Branson - Like A Virgin